Bush: The Bush lives in the forest, in which it uses its leaf-covered body to camouflage with the surrounding bushes to survive. It feeds on insects and vegetation, so had no trouble keeping itself alive through relation to food supplies, as there are plenty of leaves he can feed himself on around him. The leafs on his body all have muscles attached to his main body, and he moves through the leaves located on the bottom, which he slides across the ground. The Bush is very lazy, and likes to spend itself located in one spot, and feeding itself from the leaves around him, and occasionally would he move to rec

Golden Armour: The Golden Armour can live practically anywhere, as it is adepts well to any environment. He has one large eye located on the top of his head, which allows him to see in a large-degree around him. His body has many shield-like shells attached to him, which protects him from any physical harm. He also has two large shields on his hand, which he uses for both defense and offense. The Golden Armour is practically invulnerable from any physical harm, and is able to survive almost anywhere, hence allows him to suit any environment. He eats through his mouth, which is locate in between his tiny shield-like scale on his body.

Diamond Monkey: The diamond monkey lives in the forest, in which there is lots of trees. Its hobbies are swinging from tree to tree, and playing around with its mates. It eats insects and leafs, and drinks water from nearby lakes and ponds. The diamond monkey, however is endangered, due to hunting from humans, having very expensive pure diamonds attached to the end of their tails, which the diamond monkey uses to carve, break things, and also uses for defense, as the diamond is very strong and invulnerable to any physical harm.

Flesh'N'Bone: Flesh'N'Bone lives in the desert, and can survive without eating and drinking anything for months, as it eats a lot during a period, and stores all the additional food inside its body, which he can eat and get all the nutrition from it when he needs it. It is a carnivore, and lives off from eating desert-dwelling creatures, like scorpions, lizards, camels, etc, and resides near an oasis. The Flesh'N'Bone has many bones sticking out of its body, which acts as a shield, and also has a bone on the end of its tail for offense. It also has a sharp beak, in which it uses to shred its victim into pieces and eating it. It is very fast, and when hungry, is able to have a feast very easily when it finds its victim.

Cyborg: Cyborg is a mythical creature, which is half biological and half mechanical. The Cyborg has very good hearing, as it has a tube-like ear, in which he uses to capture and locate its victims. It is a carnivore, and uses its sharp claw-like hands, as well as its spiky tail to attack and kill its victim. The cyborg hops to move around, almost like a kangaroo, yet is very fast. Although the cyborg doesn't have much defensive attributes, it still survives very well, due to its strong offensive attributes, as well as it being able to locate things from afar through its ears, and eyes. It lives in the desert, and sometimes moves to urban places, such as the city, as it is able to fix itself if need-be, through electrical appliances.
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